8+ important signs of vitamin B12 deficiency that are often overlooked

2. Numbness and Tingling:

Numbness, paresthesia, numbness in fingers, numbness in feet, numbness in hands, numbness in legs, numbness and tingling in hands, shingles numbness, tingling in feet, tingling, left arm tingling, tingling in hands and feet, tingling in legs, left arm numbness and tingling, tingling in head, tingling sensation, what causes tingling throughout the body, female left arm tingling, right arm numbness and tingling, tingling in arms, tingling in both hands, tingling in foot, numbness and tingling in feet, tingling hands and feet, tingling in feet and legs, what causes numbness and tingling in arms and hands, hands and feet tingling, leg tingling, legs tingling, numbness and tingling in legs, tingling feeling in head, tingling in arms and legs

Are you experiencing sensations akin to “pins and needles” in your hands, feet, or legs? A deficiency in vitamin B12 can lead to damage to the protective nerve sheath. Conditions such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, or other gastrointestinal disorders may impede the absorption of this vital nutrient within your body. Similarly, certain heartburn medications can also hinder the absorption of B12.

How Long To Recover From Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Don’t Miss Number #6 it’s the Most Important

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